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Our partners

8 project partners across 5 European countries, working in cooperation and bringing interdisciplinarity


Laboratoire d'Aix-périmentation et de Bidouille

Fablab based in Aix-en-Provence, France

Mission: spreading the scientific and technical culture towards all citizens

Expertise: programming creatively within and without schools, DIY and maker culture and practices, electronics

Associated projects:  Let's STEAM, TheDexterLab, magnetics

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Key person: Sébastien NEDJAR
President of the L.A.B
Project coordinator

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La Scientothèque

Association based in Bruxelles, Belgium

Mission: developing, diffusing and valuing schools and extracurricular STEM workshops for the discovery of science, for young people aged 6 to 20 from precarious backgrounds

Expertise: approaching STEM disciplines thanks to contents and workshops adapted to the needs of young people and supported by active learning methods

Associated projects: TheDexterLab, Cai CommunityAI4InclusiveEducation


Key person: Yann-Aël Le Borgne
Artificial Intelligence Expert
Leader of cluster #5 on AI

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SME based in Madrid, Spain

Mission: spreading DIY and open-source Electronics and tools for digital fabrication

Expertise: developing educative programs and training kids in the use of creative technologies, providing technical tools for STEAM including electronics and DIY solutions

Associated projects:  CTC - Clases de tecnologías creativas, TheDexterLab


Key person: Gustavo Valera
Project manager at Ultra-Lab
Leader of cluster #4 on Energy 

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Association based in Napoli, Italy

Mission: non-profit organisation founded in 2014 promoting computer literacy in all its aspects

Expertise: developing of the Roobopoli initiative, and Roobokart, the miniature self-driving vehicle, able to move in the Roobopoli smart city

Associated projects: Roobopoli, Roobokart

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Key person: Mauro D'Angelo
Firmware engineer and Perlatecnica founder
Leader of cluster #3 on Mobility

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SME based in Paris, France

Mission: facilitating algorithms teaching in school environments, in particular with the use of an innovative system of translation between visual and textual programming

Expertise: developing, maintaining and offering all the required tools to learn programming, through a programming interface, online and free resources, electronic material and an online class manager

Associated projects: Edu-up Vittascience IA,  Edu-up Plateforme Vittascience


Key person: Andreas Feron
Engineer at Vittascience
Leader of cluster #2 on Environment

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SME based in Sofia, Bulgaria

Mission: creating electronic tools and resources adapted to creative education

Expertise: developing tools tailored to the educational world regarding the development of electronic and embedded-based software conception

Associated projects: TheDexterLab, Unplugged


Key person: Jonathan Baudin
Head developer at ZeUGMA
Development of programming tools and resources 

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Les 7 Vents

Cooperative based in Coutances, France

Mission: accompanying territories and citizens in sustainable lifestyles

Expertise: developing innovative approaches for stimulating territorial dialogue on energy transition 

Associated projects: CLEAN, GREEN FUTURE


Key person: Sabrine Boudjemline
Expert in policy advice
Leader of cluster #1 on Citizenship & Gouvernance

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Private Secondary School "Educational Technologies"

School based in Sofia, Bulgaria

Mission: creating engaging experiences for their students, based on the principles of suggestopedia, nature and interactive activities

Expertise: developing educational programmes linked to online platform and project-based activities


Key person: Magdalena Filipova
English teacher at EduTech
Development of educational programmes 

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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